Wednesday, May 25, 2005


Negative News vs Reality

There is a lot of negative stuff on the web these days. Does anyone follow the Michael Jackson trial still? How about those murders in Zion? How sad is that. I sometimes may be mad at my parents, but I know for a fact, that they wouldn't ever come at me with any sort of object. I feel for those girls. I think that t.v. sometimes paints a false picture of reality. Their are characters on shows that are put in situations , that can't realistically happen in real life, and for them to do that can be quite confusing at times, if you are like me and can sometimes get confused on things like that. I happen to really love this quote-
"To the world you may be one person. To one person, you may be the world." - Author Unknown.
Sometimes there are people out there who really affect your life for the better and they just make an impact on you , that you maybe wouldn't find elsewhere, and it feels really good to know that there are people out there, who really do care about the well being of others, and they show it as well. I mean more than just a polite hello. I bet there are alot of people out there, who can think of someone who they admire and/or look up to, or see as a "hero", and that is a great thing. I only wish more of the world could be like that. I am thankful to all those people who are role models and "heroes " to me. I know I am growing, partly thanks to the kindness in others. Thank you to all who give of themselves. Keep passing on Kindness.
Reach for the stars tonight, and follow your dreams.

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